I am really happy to offer to you the possibility to buy gold jewellery from Kapit Mas, produced from certified recycled gold.
We have been offering certified recycled silver since 2016 – 5 years already! time flies – but have never quite managed to be able to offer recycled gold, until now, due to prices, import restrictions and minimum order quantities.
We have been working with Our refiners to help us do this and finally, thankfully we can now do this, we will be even able to provide you with the manufacturing batch number, and with original material sourcing information, hopefully this will be appreciated by your customers also! And be a positive for your company and your sales.
We are super excited to be able to provide this, but as with many good things it is not without cost, We still face importation charges into Indonesia and quite a high freight cost also, so our best possible offer for this material will be 12% above the kitco ask price on the day we purchase. This is compared to our regular gold price of approximately 2-2.5% above kitco ask. We understand is quite a significant increase in cost, but also feel the benefits of this extra cost in many situations will outweigh the additional cost.
If you are interested in taking up this offer, don’t hesitate to contact us or your Kapit Mas representative and we will arrange to buy certified recycled gold for your next order.
Many good wishes, and I do hope this initiative can be a positive thing for your business,
Many Good Wishes,
Ben Morice