Software and Systems Changes at Kapit Mas!

The company

I have had lots of feedback from the last newsletter with people asking me more questions about the new software we are shifting too, and our planning behind it, so thought it a good idea, due to the interest to give an update on what we are doing and where we are going, and how it will improve the ways we work with you.

My first intention was to build a new structure to control our ordering and manufacturing, for the base blueprint for that – and also for some insight into how we will be looking after and controlling your orders though our production stages, – you might like to take a look at the following link where I outline our requirements and objectives for our new system for production. (link to Odoo Consultant)

However as we progressed with this manufacturing module it soon became apparent that we should integrate it totally into a full organization structure for Kapit Mas and so now we are concurrently building R&D, Inventory, sales & merchandising, Human Relations and Accounting modules to create a complete integrated framework for the company. It is a really exciting development and will make us a lot more efficient in our processes, providing easier control and working systems, quickly manipulating data into clear information to allow us more faster and more accurate decisions,  and therefore give us greater scope to evolve and grow in ability as a company. This batch of work is our first phase and it is dedicated totally to our internal structures

The second phase of this as I alluded to in the last letter will involve lots of discussion with customers to find how we can work closer with our customers to provide improved communications between us. In the modern business framework, I see the word customer actually becoming redundant, I see our customers more as sales partner’s or in essence our marketing arm, whereas we are your production division, and both parties should be well invested in the success of the other, from our side our objective is totally to help our customers become more successful, which will therefore ensure more work and growth for us, resulting in us continually being able to improve our services to our customers, In a perfect situation this is a great circle. So with this in mind it makes sense to aim for more seamless communications between us. and this is where we will be looking for your feedback to help us evolve this.

Some ideas we can look at with this are things like :

  • Creating integrated catalogues and price lists. Which  we can make up for you and add all newly developed samples to, which you can open go to the quantity column add in the quantities for your order, send it through and we will have it in a format, that without is needing to manually process it, the order directly goes into our system and production starts the very next morning when turn on, can save 2-3 days of time

  • An order tracking system to allow you to see the progress of your order and see if that item you urgently want can be shipped early,

  • Easier sharing of files and photos without requiring 3rdparty service

  • Uploading of photos by us directly to your website, so your new lines are ready for sale even before the stock lands in your warehouse.

These are just a few ideas that may be applicable for some but not all, the idea is that you can pick and choose what will help you in your business, and this is by no means an exhaustive list, I put it out here to stimulate thought and discussion, and so if you do have any thoughts or ideas about how we can use communications like this to help your business be more successful please let me know.

Oh and by the way, I not one to plug for others, but I am really happy with the Odoo the framework and how it works, and would suggest if any of you are considering a new system, do take a look at Odoo, the other side of that too of course if 2 organisations are running the same system then implementing seamless communications is just that much easier!

Many Good Wishes,

Ben Morice

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