Metal Prices!

Hi All, In modern history, 2020 will certainly be one of the most reviewed years in hindsight, but right now as we go through it, it is foresight which is needed and which will help us out! The most recent thing to affect us, in the jewellery industry is the huge increase – and volatility…

Software and Systems Changes at Kapit Mas!

I have had lots of feedback from the last newsletter with people asking me more questions about the new software we are shifting too, and our planning behind it, so thought it a good idea, due to the interest to give an update on what we are doing and where we are going, and how it…


I am a big David Bowie fan, and since his untimely death last year his song Changes has been the song rattling around inside my head more than any other, kicked off I guess by the end of an era with his passing, and continued by what we have been doing here at Kapit Mas…
Design Service

Successful Product Development

Every product starts as a sample and getting this part right, is the start of getting everything right, getting it wrong and nightmares will surely  follow. It’s really worth putting in that little extra effort to make the sample process successful, so let’s take a look the process and discuss some ideas to optimise results!…

Plating Plating Plating……

It truly amazes me how many people have problems with plating, yet don’t really understand, and sometimes even it seems don’t want to understand why they continue to have problems. I often wonder why this is. Maybe it is because the plating process is quite technical and it can be difficult for a non professional…