Design Service

Design Service: trust our experience

We have a dedicated team of experienced Jewelry designers ready to assist you. They can help you in many ways:

  • Creation of an industrial drawing with exact sizes and specifications from a simple sketch, picture, email, or even after a phone call or face-to-face meeting.
  • Audit and Improvement of an existing design (thickness of the metal, assembly system, etc.).
  • Design in 3D, usually when 3D Printing or CNC Milling is necessary for the creation of your masters.
  • Advice regarding metals, finishing, plating, or any other production process.
  • Creation of a declination inspired by your existing designs to help you add more items to your collection and boost your sales.

The jewelry manufacturing industry is quickly evolving with new technologies, products, and best practices. Our R&D Department is constantly looking for new ideas and bringing them to Kapit Mas.

Our Objective is to Help Our Clients to Stay at the Top

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